Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy happy joy joy!

Well, I have just been offered a publishing contract with Forever Red Publishing! Whoo Hoo! 😆 I'm so excited to be working with them!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Grab your free copy!

Hey peeps! The first book in my Maverick's Shield series is available for free on Smashwords for a limited time! So if you haven't picked it up, go and grab it while it's on sale! Smashwords has all the formats of the book available so it doesn't matter if you have a kindle (mobi), nook/kobo (epub) or ipad. When you go to the site, just put in the
code "RW100" when you buy.">

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Word count check in: 1,425 words of UNPOLISHED JEWEL done. Total word count: CARRIDEN'S PROPOSITION: 19,795 UNPOLISHED JEWEL: 25,589

Friday, February 7, 2014

Check in!

Word count check in: 725 words of UNPOLISHED JEWEL done. Not feeling too well tonight but I squeezed some words out. Total word counts: CARRIDEN'S PROPOSITION: 19,795 UNPOLISHED JEWEL: 24,164

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Checking in! WORD COUNT!

Word count check in: 1,027 words of UNPOLISHED JEWEL done. Total word counts: CARRIDEN'S PROPOSITION: 19,795 UNPOLISHED JEWEL: 23,439

Word count!

Word count check in: 1,112 words of UNPOLISHED JEWEL done. Total word counts: CARRIDEN'S PROPOSITION: 19,795 UNPOLISHED JEWEL: 22,412

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Word count check in!

Word count check in: 1,038 words of UNPOLISHED JEWEL done. Total word counts: Carriden's Proposition: 19,795 Unpolished Jewel: 21,300

Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm back!

Knocked out 1,214 words of my book 1 of my new series: RISQUE'. I'm also working on unpolished Jewel as well so I've got two projects going on. Exhausting but fun! xoxo Total word counts: Carriden's Proposition: 19,795 Unpolished Jewel: 20,262